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Zen Garden

Release & Waiver

I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. I am voluntarily participating in classes, treatment sessions, health programs, workshops, body work, therapy, exercise, healing arts and/or other wellness activities (collectively, the “Activities”) performed or offered by Tapas Flow Yoga. 

2. The Activities may be offered in person at a physical location or online by digital media and digital platforms. All such offerings, either in-person or online, shall be considered “Activities.”

3. I represent and warrant I am in sufficient physical and mental health to participate in the Activities. I understand that the Activities may require intense physical exertion, and I have no medical condition which would prevent my full participation in the Activities. If I have any concerns about my personal health and fitness, it is my responsibility to consult with a physician before my participation in the Activities. 

4. I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly waive any “Claim” I may have against Tapas Flow Yoga, its owner, managers, teachers, instructors, workshop presenters, employees, independent contractors, and staff (each, a “Released Party”) that I may execute as a result of participating in the Activities at Tapas Flow Yoga even if the Claim arises from the performance of any Released Party or anyone else. “Claim” includes but is not limited to all liabilities, claims, demands, expenses, fees, legal actions, rights of actions for damages, personal injury, mental suffering and distress, or death that I may suffer, my spouse, children, or unborn child may suffer (including any legal fees or expenses) in connection with participation in any Activity.

5. I, my heirs, or legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue any Released Party for any Claim caused by any performance or other acts of a Released Party.

6. I agree to obtain permission from Tapas Flow Yoga before taking photographs or video of any Activities or Activity participants.

7.  I hereby understand Tapas Flow Yoga may photograph, video, or otherwise record classes or events occurring at Tapas Flow Yoga and place such photographs and videos on its website or social media platform. I hereby consent to the use of my image that may appear in any such photograph or video.

8. Tapas Flow Yoga reserves the right to refuse my participation in any Activity on any other grounds.
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily and knowingly agree to the terms and conditions stated herein. 


I acknowledge that I have carefully read this agreement and fully understand its contents. I voluntarily and knowingly agree to the terms and conditions stated herein. 

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